Leigh Buchanan Bienen: Works


Rare interview of Clarence Darrow, circa 1932. Source unknown.Interview of Clarence Darrow(09:43)1932Rare interview, circa 1932. Source unknown.
Leigh Bienen introduces Homicide in ChicagoLeigh Bienen introduces 'Homicide in Chicago'(00:57)2004Project Director, Leigh B. Bienen, provides an overview of the website’s inception, intent and design. At the time of this recording, she was Senior Lecturer, Northwestern University School of Law.
Leigh Bienen interviews Cynthia BowmanLeigh Bienen interviews Cynthia Bowman(53:28)2004Cynthia Bowman is author of “Wife Murder in Chicago.” At the time of this recording, she was Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law.
Leigh Bienen interviews David TanenhausLeigh Bienen interviews David Tanenhaus(35:11)2004Prof. David Tannenhaus speaks about the juvenile justice system in Chicago.
Interview with David van Zandt. At the time of this recording, he was the Dean of the School of Law, Northwestern UniversityLeigh Bienen interviews David Van Zandt(46:57)2004Interview with David van Zandt. At the time of this recording, he was the Dean of the School of Law, Northwestern University.
Leigh Bienen interviews Dawn Clark-Netsch—Part 1Leigh Bienen interviews Dawn Clark-Netsch Part 1 | Part 2(1:08:22), (41:59)2004Dawn Clark-Netsch, Professor of Law Emerita, Northwestern University School of Law, talks about her life.
Leigh Bienen interviews Dominic PacygaLeigh Bienen interviews Dominic Pacyga(58:53)2004Interview with Dominic Pacyga about the history of Chicago and patterns of immigration to the city during the period 1870-1930. At the time of this recording, he was Professor of History, Columbia College.
Harold Shapiro talks about his life. At the time of his death he was Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University School of Law, and partner at Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal.Leigh Bienen interviews Harold Shapiro(50:17)2004Harold Shapiro talks about his life. At the time of his death he was Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University School of Law, and partner at Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal.
Howard Trienens, partner at Sidley Austin LLP, talks about his career as a practicing lawyer. The law firm donated generously to the Florence Kelley project.Leigh Bienen interviews Howard Trienens(1:04:09)2004Howard Trienens, partner at Sidley Austin LLP, talks about his career as a practicing lawyer. The law firm donated generously to the Florence Kelley project.
Judges R. Eugene Pincham and Earl E. Strayhorn discuss capital punishment, judicial elections, corruption, legal education and the Scottsboro case.Leigh Bienen interviews Judges R. Eugene Pincham and Earl Strayhorn(1:49:39)2004Judges R. Eugene Pincham and Earl E. Strayhorn discuss capital punishment, judicial elections, corruption, legal education and the Scottsboro case.
Prof. Larry Marshall, whose practice focuses in the area of death penalty litigation and advocacy on behalf of the wrongly convicted, speaks about the death penalty and the former governor’s decision to halt its use in Illinois.Leigh Bienen interviews Larry Marshall(57:03)2004Prof. Larry Marshall, whose practice focuses in the area of death penalty litigation and advocacy on behalf of the wrongly convicted, speaks about the death penalty and the former governor’s decision to halt its use in Illinois.
Michael Lesy talks about his upcoming book, Murder City. At the time of this recording, he was Professor of Literary Journalism, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA.Leigh Bienen interviews Michael Lesy(53:02)2004Michael Lesy talks about his upcoming book 'Murder City'. At the time of this recording, he was Professor of Literary Journalism, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA.
Michelle Oberman talks about her study of infanticide from the Chicago Historical Homicide Dataset. At the time of this recording, she was Professor of Law, Santa Clara University School of Law.Leigh Bienen interviews Michelle Oberman(56:53)2004Michelle Oberman talks about her study of infanticide from the Chicago Historical Homicide Dataset. At the time of this recording, she was Professor of Law, Santa Clara University School of Law.
Richard Brooks is author of Life Terms or Death Sentences: The Uneasy Relationship Between Judicial Elections And Capital Punishment. At the time of this recording, he was Assistant Professor of Law, Yale Law School.Leigh Bienen interviews Richard Brooks(21:16)2004Richard Brooks is author of “Life Terms or Death Sentences: The Uneasy Relationship Between Judicial Elections And Capital Punishment.” At the time of this recording, he was Assistant Professor of Law, Yale Law School.
Scott Turow, Chicago best-selling writer and lawyer, talks about his life.Leigh Bienen interviews Scott Turow(1:20:35)2004Scott Turow, famous Chicago writer and lawyer, talks about his life.
Steven A. Drizin talks about his article in the JCLC on juvenile crime and courts in Chicago. At the time of this recording, he was Clinical Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law.Leigh Bienen interviews Steven A. Drizin(1:03:12)2004Steven A. Drizin talks about his article in the JCLC on juvenile crime and courts in Chicago. At the time of this recording, he was Clinical Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law.
Professor Geraghty discusses the 1929 People vs Fisher case, and the Cook County juvenile court system. At the time of this recording, he was Associate Dean for Clinical Education and Director, Bluhm Legal Clinic.Leigh Bienen interviews Thomas Geraghty(50:33)2004Professor Geraghty discusses the 1929 People vs Fisher case, and the Cook County juvenile court system. At the time of this recording, he was Associate Dean for Clinical Education and Director, Bluhm Legal Clinic.
Victor Rosenblum, Professor of Law Emeritus, Northwestern University, talks about his lifeLeigh Bienen interviews Victor Rosenblum(38:39)2004Victor Rosenblum, Professor of Law Emeritus, Northwestern University, talks about his life.
On Tuesday, May 13, 2008, Northwestern University Board of Trustees chairman Patrick G. Ryan announced that the University's School of Music will be named the Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music in honor of the retiring University president and his wife.Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music—Naming Announcement(02:44)2008On Tuesday, May 13, 2008, Northwestern University Board of Trustees chairman Patrick G. Ryan announced that the University's School of Music will be named the Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music in honor of the retiring University president and his wife.
Florence Kelley project overview and interview with Leigh Bienen, Project DirectorFlorence Kelley project overview and interview with Leigh Bienen, Project Director(06:18)2012Using state-of-the-art tools generously provided by Northwestern University's Academic Technologies, Leigh reprised her enormously popular Homicide project with an exhaustive study of the life of Florence Kelley.
A Discussion on Libraries and Technology. What should be preserved and how? What happens when one of the component pieces of software of a complex website becomes non-functional or unsafe?Leigh Bienen and Sarah Pritchard: A Discussion on Libraries and Technology(06:12)2012A Discussion on Libraries and Technology. What should be preserved and how? What happens when one of the component pieces of software of a complex website becomes non-functional or unsafe?
YouTube: Leigh BienenYouTube: Leigh Bienen2013A collection of video interviews, project overview, discussion of libraries and technology and even an historical clip of Clarence Darrow.
Leigh Bienen, Senior Lecturer at Northwestern University School of Law, describes how news coverage enhances the website developed for her Chicago Homicide project.News Enhances Project Website(00:55)2014Leigh Bienen, Senior Lecturer at Northwestern University School of Law, describes how news coverage enhances the website developed for her Chicago Homicide project.
A synopsis of Leigh Buchanan Bienen's website, Illinois Murder Indictments 2000-2010, which presents a set of more than 2200 murder indictments in Illinois from 2000-2010, from all counties in Illinois during the period prior to abolition, was collected as part of the author's work on the Illinois Committee to Study the Reform of the Death Penalty, from 2003-2009.Illinois Murder Indictments 2000-2010(2:32)2014A synopsis of Leigh Bienen's website, Illinois Murder Indictments 2000-2010, which presents a set of more than 2200 murder indictments in Illinois from 2000-2010, from all counties in Illinois during the period prior to abolition.
Northwestern University dedicated the Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Center for the Musical Arts, Sept. 24, 2014; and is the home of the Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music.Dedication of the Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Center for the Musical Arts(03:39)2016Northwestern University dedicated the Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Center for the Musical Arts, Sept. 24, 2014; and is the home of the Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music.
Leigh speaks about the impact of 6 reformers from 1890s Chicago: Florence Kelley, Henry Demarest Lloyd, Jane Addams, Louise DeKoven Bowen, John Peter Altgeld and Carroll D. Wright.Florence Kelley 1890’s Reformer and Her Friends *(14:53)2019Leigh speaks about the impact of 6 reformers from 1890s Chicago: Florence Kelley, Henry Demarest Lloyd, Jane Addams, Louise DeKoven Bowen, John Peter Altgeld and Carroll D. Wright.
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Explore President Bienen's time at Northwestern and his lasting legacy in The Bienen YearsHenry Bienen's Retirement Celebration(21:30)2009Explore President Bienen's time at Northwestern and his lasting legacy in 'The Bienen Years'.
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