Leigh Buchanan Bienen: Works


This Blog page contains all posts for this website, one post for each page...and a special external blog with Florence Kelley speaking to us from 1890s Chicago!

Time Traveler Alert! Follow Florence as she speaks to us in the present from 1890s Chicago!

Leigh writes in the voice of Florence Kelley, who gives her perspective—from a time of profound social, population and political change—to provide commentary, insights and her unique perspective on contemporary events.

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Florence Kelley was the first woman factory inspector in the United States, appointed in Illinois by Governor John Peter Altgeld in 1893. A resident of Hull House, and a reformer – who refused to be associated with any political party–Florence Kelley lived in Chicago from 1891 until 1899, leading and participating in a variety of projects. These included: a wage and ethnicity census of the slums and tenements in Chicago; the reporting of cases and contagion in the smallpox epidemic of 1893; the enforcement of the universal primary education laws, and, most importantly, enforcing the provisions of the Illinois Factory Inspections Law of 1893

Florence Kelley

Factory Inspector

Leigh Buchanan Bienen is a writer, advocate, and teacher whose areas of expertise include capital punishment, sex crimes, and legal reform

Leigh Bienen


Bird’s eye view of “Tall Buildings”, Chicago, IL. Source: ICHi-30045. Chicago History Museum. Reproduction of photograph, photographer - J. W. Taylor. Date: 1895.

1890s Chicago

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